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Axton is a new playable character in Borderlands 2, serving the role of the Commando class He used to be a soldier in the Dahl corporation's military However, his gloryseeking recklessness and constant disregard for orders earned him a scheduled execution.

Axton borderlands 2. The tool to use with Borderlands 2 / TPS mods Allows users to disable unwanted parts of the mods, merge mods into one fileAutomatically handles the tedious process of manually merging the files, and prevents the broken mods resulting from master filesHas a lot of features that makes making your own mods easier!. Class Commando Bio. One two And now I have the voice of a douchebag Great What?.

Axton stands out as being something of an allrounder in the world of Borderlands 2 His turret allows players to throw a fixed point of assistance into the fray while his own personal strength. Axton is a great character for those wanting to play solo or those new to the game Because the utility of his turret allows him to survive a great deal of battles And provides a much needed boost and DPS in tight and unforgiving situations that you will inevitably face throughout your playthrough Read the Borderlands 2 – Survival Guide. Why I dont really need to explain this This is the highest DPS pistol in the entire game and can be used on almost anyone It especially excels on Axton becuase the Unkempt Harold benefits from Grenade and Gun damage bonuses.

You can’t pretend that wasn’t awesome So what now?. Axton has great synergy with Tediore Weapons thanks to his Grenade Damage and Reload Speed buffs, so the Gunerang one is a natural choice It has a unique reload behavior that can home in on enemies after being thrown, but it does take a little bit of practice It also does more damage than your typical Tediore Weapon when thrown. Where to Obtain Torgue Vending Machines in DLC 2 or Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide;.

This page is about the Commando character class For the inuniverse character, see Axton The Commando and his deployable turret The Commando is one of the four player classes appearing in Borderlands 2 The Commando functions in more or less a similar capacity as the Soldier (Roland) did in. Borderlands 2 Dire Straits Level 80 Axton Build Share;. The following are the skill trees for Axton in Borderlands 2 Reborn To view more information about the skills, click on either the icon or the name of the skill to be taken directly to the page containing further details Action Skill Sabre Turret Deploy a turret that can target and fire upon enemies.

Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances;. Playable Borderlands 2 class Axton the Commando Axton is a playable character in Borderlands 2 and an NPC in Borderlands the PreSequel, his class is commando it’s all about technological gears and weapons Axton’s main skill is to deploy a Dahl turret, a mounted gun which can be upgraded with more abilities. Class Commando Bio.

Axton is originally from a planet named Hieronymous and spent ten years there with the Dahl military force Due to his general disregard for others and pursuit of fame and glory, he was discharged from the military and also left by his wife. The first hypegenerating bit attached to the concept is that it finally marks the return of the last two longlost Vault Hunters from Borderlands 2, Salvador and Axton, who are acting as. Axton was the Commando in Borderlands 2 A former sergeant in the Dahl military, he’s got the classic gruff voice and gritted teeth of a movie GI.

If you enjoyed, then be sure to leave a "Like"Full Streamhttps//wwwtwitchtv/videos/Playlisthttps//www. 0 shares My Thoughts on the Character Axton holds a special place in my old(?) heart He was my first ever Borderlands character, for starters Early on people were talking about how Axton was the weakest and generally worst character in the game, which gave him this. Borderlands 2 Axton Page Discussion Edit History More What links here;.

In the second point in this guide about Borderlands 2 Axton build, we will discuss the basis for equipping weapons Gunpowder is the tree, which, in short, has everything to do with what gives us spectacular moments of destruction, suffering from our enemies and the occasional great explosion that we can provoke with Axton. Likewise, Axton's skill trees consist mostly of simple yet effective skiils like Sentry, Steady, Ready, Willing, Onslaught, Metal Storm, Preparation, Resourceful, Quick Charge, and so on and so forth All of them are rather boring because they get the job done and make Axton stronger and better without being flashy and making a big fuzz about it. Axton is wanted for war crimes, and the bounty on his head is $5,000,000,000, which is the lowest among the six playable Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2 Axton has a dislike of cats Although Axton's sexuality has had controversy, Axton is officially bisexual.

Originally, Axton was only supposed to have flirtatious dialogue when reviving Maya but the developers ended up accidentally leaving this dialogue option available for any party member that Axton revives After player feedback Axton, has been confirmed as bisexual by Borderlands 2 lead writer Anthony Burch. Axton was one of the vault hunters in Borderlands 2 and people have been wondering if he’s in Borderlands 3 or not Well, here’s everything you need to know about whether Axton is in the game. User Info gna647 gna647 8 years ago #1 Who should I play as next?.

Borderlands 2 Assault Rifle Axton (Revisited) – Build Showcase (w/ Download) You guys are the true champions of the Borderlands While a lot of the changes have been welcome I purpose a little shift in perspective when altering loot and characters, especially when it comes to character skills Most of us especially the more seasoned. For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Axton really as bad as people say?". You gonna turn me over to the firing squad?.

Where to Obtain Torgue Vending Machines in DLC 2 or Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide;. Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the. But the OP doesn’t even say that.

No doubt we'll see more fleshed out character stories for the borderlands 2 guys in borderlands 3 if these guys return as NPC's But yes Axton's sexuality is incredibly subtle having not played through TTAoDK all the way yet (just started a gunzerker and REALLY liking it now for some reason) I haven't come across that dialogue so like you. Why I dont really need to explain this This is the highest DPS pistol in the entire game and can be used on almost anyone It especially excels on Axton becuase the Unkempt Harold benefits from Grenade and Gun damage bonuses. Similar to its predecessor, Borderlands 2 is a firstperson shooter with elements drawn from roleplaying video games Four playable character classes are available in the base game, each with their own unique Action Skill Axton, "the Commando", can summon a turret to provide offensive support Maya, "the Siren", can "phaselock" enemies by trapping them in a sphere of energy for a few seconds.

No doubt we'll see more fleshed out character stories for the borderlands 2 guys in borderlands 3 if these guys return as NPC's But yes Axton's sexuality is incredibly subtle having not played through TTAoDK all the way yet (just started a gunzerker and REALLY liking it now for some reason) I haven't come across that dialogue so like you. Axton is useless in endgame Well, so is Maya Hahahahah Just wear a hat that says, "I don't know sh!t about Borderlands 2" Dilettante Hahah Funny how you live on Steam's forums arguing with everyone D I know more than enough about BL2. Credits and distribution permission Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets;.

So i just hit level 53 axton, and uvhm hasnt been much of a problem until I got to W4RD3N He fled to that place in the dust and I just get bombarded with badasses I dont think my axton build is really good but here it is, Weaopns Level 51 Light Sandhawk Level 48 Apt Revenant (I only use it for slagging) Level 52 Stabbing Torpedo Level 52 Verm dee boom Shield Level 51 Dormant Turtle Shield. Having read this paragraph, I am no closer to understanding how the Lyuda is one of the better sniper rifles in Borderlands 2 for Axton, specifically Perhaps it is just that it is an excellent sniper rifle in general and there is nothing about it that makes it worse while Axton uses it;. What the hell, Sarah Yeah, which was awesome!.

Axton is useless in endgame Well, so is Maya Hahahahah Just wear a hat that says, "I don't know sh!t about Borderlands 2" Dilettante Hahah Funny how you live on Steam's forums arguing with everyone D I know more than enough about BL2. From Orcz Axton is one of the playable Characters in Borderlands 2 Contents 1 Class;. Results (122 votes) Gaige 5984% (73 votes) 73 Axton 4016% (49 votes) 49 This poll is now closed almost done with my zer0 and my maya and sal are at 50 (no i dont powerlevel) So these are the two i have left I tried them out a bit, and i.

Borderlands 2 – Best Commando Build By Faraz Jafari Borderlands 2, Entertainment, Gaming This BL2 Commando (Axton) Build is what I used to play the game in normal and true vault hunter mode, mainly solo with some coop A straight forward build and very handy in either case, with great survivability. Home > Guides > Borderlands 2 – Axton Build / Level 80 Axton Build / Level 80 Early on people were talking about how Axton was the weakest and generally worst character in the game, which gave him this underdog vibe in my eyes He may not as OP as. Axton is a playable character in Borderlands 2 and an NPC in Borderlands the PreSequel, his class is commando it’s all about technological gears and weapons Axton’s main skill is to deploy a Dahl turret, a mounted gun which can be upgraded with more abilities The turret deploys for seconds and the cooldown is 42 seconds.

Axton is a Vault Hunter and a former member of DAHL's private military force A gloryseeker by nature, his constant insubordination and reckless behavior led him to botch numerous important missions, leading his frustrated wife (who happened to be his superior officer) to divorce him and dishonorably discharge him from the military After she "suggested" that he go AWOL to avoid his impending. Axton, the commando, is a playable character in borderlands 2 He was a former soldier for Dahl’s army before being kick out and divorced by his wife Axton is wanted for war crimes The reward is $. Borderlands 2 Vault Hunter Characters Axton This is one of the most generic Borderlands best characters He is a soldier class type of shooter character And his weaponry mainly includes long.

Axton is a great character for those wanting to play solo or those new to the game Because the utility of his turret allows him to survive a great deal of battles And provides a much needed boost and DPS in tight and unforgiving situations that you will inevitably face throughout your playthrough Read the Borderlands 2 – Survival Guide. Axton is a new playable character in Borderlands 2 and will take roll as the new Roland He occupies a new " commando " class similar to the "soldier" class of Borderlands 1 He was unveiled on. 1 Axton Customizations 2 Default Heads 3 Unlockable Heads (Main Game) 4 Unlockable Heads (DLC Content) 5 DLC Package Heads 6 Other Heads 7 Default Skins 8 Unlockable Skins (Main Game) 9 Unlockable Skins (DLC Content) 10 DLC Package Skins 11 Other Skins 12 SHiFT Promotional Skins 13 Trivia 14 References A total of 37 Heads and 104 Skins can be unlocked for Axton The nondefault heads and skins.

Axton & Zer0 (Borderlands) (2) Axton/Rhys/Zer0 (Borderlands) (2) Daud/The Outsider (Dishonored) (1) Lilith/Roland (Borderlands) (1) Exclude Additional s Fluff (12) Alien Biology (6) Swearing (6) Gun Kink (6) Friends to Lovers (5) CanonTypical Violence (5) Developing Relationship (4) Angst (3). It's time to rebuild the ultimate Axton!. Axton is a playable character in Borderlands 2 and one of the major characters in the seriesOriginally, Axton was only supposed to have flirtatious dialogue when reviving Maya (a female party member), but the developers ended up accidentally leaving this dialogue option available for any party member that Axton revives.

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